Friday, September 3, 2010

Ants and spiders

This morning, while getting ready to take my shower, I saw a spider in the tub. I've never really understood why spiders crawl into tubs or sinks. They can't get out and they inevitably drown unless the user is feeling particularly merciful that day.

Anyways, the spider drowned as soon as I started my shower--I tried to get it out, but it didn't want to grab onto my plastic flower. At the end, I reached over to get the conditioner and the bottle fell right on top of the drain, upending a huge amount of hair and the dead spider.

I left it alone and went on with my morning, figuring I'd deal with the cleaning some other time. Later that night, I noticed a huge number of ants on the rim of the tub. After killing them with Raid, I looked into the tub.

The spider had disappeared, but there were a few of its legs here and there.

I suppose that this could be karma. I prefer to think of it as more proof that nature is ugly and horrible.

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