There were a few pieces I was greatly enamored with. First, this very cute stop-motion clip titled "A Wolf Loves Pork."
Next up the Listening Post. The video doesn't do justice to the installation: the entire room echoes with the nonsensical voices, and entire separate bits of posts move across each monitor, making it almost impossible to follow a single one.
Then there were the paintings. These next two were by Sandow Birk, and the computer quality is pretty shitty. These paintings are so much bigger and more impressive in person, especially Purgatorio. The last one is Painting #3 from Themes for the Fin de Siecle, meant to accompany a text written in 1940. The beautiful iron gate works well with the foreboding atmosphere of the piece. In person, it's very glossy, almost like a book cover. Beauty in fear and war. I like.

It sounds like you had an awesome time at the museum. I liked the "A Wolf Loves Pork" video, but it made me dizzy. The "Listening Post" sounds like it interesting. I wish I was there.